Bruna Ginammi

Thanks for collaboration Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin

September - October 2023


Bruna Ginammi

Thanks for collaboration Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin

September - October 2023

From September 20 to October 21, 2023
From Wednesday to Friday from 3pm to 7pm
Saturday by appointment

Friday 15 September from 6pm to 9pm

Saturday and Sunday, September 16/17 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Access with Assab One 2023 membership card (€10)
For more information write to info@assab-one.org

Fragile, but at the same time a symbol of resilience and strength, the dwellings photographed by Bruna Ginammi draw attention to an often invisible and ignored reality. Near the town of Rosarno, in Calabria, Italy, there is a village built by African labourers. The camp was provided by their employers, who pretend not to see the living conditions in which these people live.
The phenomenon of immigration in Italy is a discourse increasingly linked to an economic-social policy aimed at consumerism. Men, women and even children flee their homes in the hope of a better future, but find themselves doing precarious or underpaid work, in dangerous and extremely uncomfortable conditions.
Bruna Ginammi’s photographs are a direct visual testimony, without any filter, of what really happens in our country. Yet, they give dignity to a culture that finds in its own tradition a great capacity to adapt.

“…The guiding thought is the concept of balance which, far from aesthetic logic, is in tune with an intimate coherent order, with a harmonious unity of the parts which, it seems to me, is the best response to an evidently inhuman condition in which it exists…” – Bruna Ginammi

Biography of Bruna Ginammi

Bruna Ginammi was born in Bergamo in 1964. In 1989 she started as a photographer, collaborating as a portraitist with various Italian and foreign newspapers, for which she photographed the major poets of the second half of the 20th century. In the 1990s, she undertook various photographic researches: she made portraits of rotting fruit and vegetables, filmed the destruction of the PAC by a bomb for political reasons, followed its reconstruction and investigated the intimacy of Italian families.
In 2001 she became a mother and resumed photographing her body, investigating the theme of identity begun in 1994.
After 2017 she carried out several projects, such as Mutatis where mythology and imagination meet – a series dedicated to our ancestors and the meaning of birth -, Kosmos in which she recreates a new fantasy world made of light, water and plastic, and finally HOME, a series dedicated to the fragile dwellings of fruit pickers in Rosarno. Since 2021 she has been a member of Gallerie Mazzoli, with whom she published La decomposizione della materia (Decomposition of Matter) in 2023.
The meaning of her photography can be found in a phrase by the American philosopher Emerson: “One must have the ability to dignify what is humble by elevating it and to see art everywhere”.