Ignazio Mortellaro

Terrae motus

a project by Threes, Terraforma

May 2012

Ignazio Mortellaro

Terrae motus

a project by Threes, Terraforma

May 2012

The exposition is closely bound to the artist research efforts around Nature and natural events considered as fragments of a dialogue between mankind and for mankind. After an earthquake, what was once Land becomes Sea, a relentless liquefaction of the land ground nullify those points used to measure distances, relationships and memories. Few seconds of a tremor dilate into a calm tragedy spanning a longer time-lapse. An initial collective sharing of the same misfortune soon explodes into a constellation of pains internalised by each victim. The fragile glass structures we build, the desires, the aspirations, are all compromised and corroded by the pitch black. Memory – once used as source of coordinates in our own frame of reference – loses any physical support as well as those fetishes that kept it useful for this purpose. The same space once taken by heavy printing machinery now lodges a thin, weak neon structure. The same ink used to keep memory alive on paper now accomplish the opposite purpose by flooding the Roland Ultra room floor. What is left is the sound of the landscape without the support of the ground. […] (abstract text by Ruggero Pietromarchi)


Ignazio Mortellaro was born in Palermo in 1978. Architect and engineer, lives and works in Rome and Filicudi. His research is a slow investigation into the Nature and Man, the most impressive picture of the physical world with its rhythms and its events. A process of liberation and demystification aimed to strip its addressee of every illusory ambition and also aimed to place him/her in front of the sublime and awful spectacle of Nature. In 2008 he founded the collective Oblivious Artefacts, experimental project active between Palermo, Rome and Berlin, involving artists, photographers, architects and sound designers. He is responsible for the graphic concept of many labels of experimental electronic music from Germany and UK. Drawings and experimental techniques, video, mixing painting and installation elements, are the main media used in his personal research.

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