You can become Assab One’s Supporter by giving a tax exempt donation of €2000 per year.
The liberal contribution can be transferred by bank transfer*, postal order, bank cheque or bank draft.
Assab One is a social promotion association registered in section F of the provincial register of non-profit associations of the metropolitan city of Milan. Your donation will therefore be tax deductible for IRPEF and IRES purposes (art. 15 and art. 147 of Presidential Decree 917/86).
ASSAB ONE for contemporary arts BIC: BAPPIT21V79
IBAN: IT86o0503401613000000126809
or 02-2828546
You can play a pivotal role, making the difference. You make complex projects happen. You have Assab One’s vision. You make it possible for an artist to realize a new artwork. You are a collector or you are starting to collect.